XeroHome featured in Local Energy Codes News Brief

XeroHome has been featured in the June 2021 edition of Reach Code News Brief, a newsletter featuring the latest in Reach Code development in California and beyond.

Our recent project with Southern California Edison’s Codes & Standards team, established an analysis methodology that used XeroHome unique large-scale energy modeling analysis to evaluate the potential for reach codes for existing homes.

An energy modeling platform capable of modeling single-family homes at scale, XeroHome analyzes multiple individual homes while capturing each home’s size, vintage, permit history, geometry, site orientation, fuel type and utility rates. This enables the analysis to capture the diverse range of home energy performance and savings potential not possible with a single home prototype approach. The tool can develop an ‘opportunity map’ for an entire region, with models that predict energy and carbon savings from specific energy efficiency measures or combinations of measures.

Read more here: https://localenergycodes.com/content/june-2021/


XeroHome selected by SVCE for Innovation Onramp Program


Webinar - Learn How You Can Lower Your Utility Bills with XeroHome