Home Energy Insights

Driven by
Building Science + Data

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“We help homeowners and utilities transition to a low carbon future by prioritizing cost-effective, clean energy upgrades.”

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XeroHome™ is a web platform that uses predictive modeling and data science to deliver customized home energy insights at scale.



Customized energy recommendations based on home characteristics, climate, and homeowner input.



No requirement for an upfront energy audit or energy use data makes our energy analysis accessible to all.



Machine learning based approach used to scale analysis from one home to thousands, provides speed without loss in accuracy.

For Homeowners.


XeroHome™ leverages large scale public data to develop unique energy models for every home. Our energy modeling method builds on the deep knowledge base of US DOE’s EnergyPlus and OpenStudio software stacks, and our own machine learning algorithm to impart speed and scalability. This ultimately makes custom home energy analysis affordable, and accessible to every homeowner.

Homeowners are provided an energy upgrade plan, uniquely customized for their home with clear recommendations for cost-effective, clean energy options. Homeowners are supported all the way from decision making - to finding a contractor in their region - to installing the upgrade, all from within the XeroHome™ tool interface.

From a single home … to thousands of homes, XeroHome’s unique machine learning based modeling method supports analysis at the scales of entire cities or utility territories.

Utilities get macro-scale analysis to support strategic decision making on how to scale their clean energy and demand side management programs and meet their low carbon and energy goals. XeroHome’s professionals portal for utilities provides tools for geographic information analysis and the ability to filter homes by upgrade recommendations to develop program targeting strategies, and more.


For Utilities.


Our Goal

Customized Clean-Energy Upgrades - For Every Home.